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Thursday, March 04, 2010

Can We Get Over all this Bickering in Washington?

Can we quit the bickering and solve the problem in Washington?
I am so tired of this republican vs democrat issue going on in Congress. If they were all voted in to represent the American people, why is so hard to reach and lend a helping hand. Everybody wants to be mad at Pres. Obama for pushing his healthcare reform bill, they yell No to this, No to that, and No to everything he is putting on the table. He even bipartisianly opened a forum where he asked for solutions to the problems. What happened? Just more bickering from the opposing team. I always thought that if you would differ with my idea of thinking, please offer me a solution to the problem; otherwise, you are only causing more confusion. 

If we are  AMERICA and concerned with the health and welfare of all Americans, clearly this Bill is aiming at making sure everybody can have a nice level of insurance, regardless of their situation.  I do not understand why people on medicaid and medicare get on TV yelling about they dont want this bill when clearly, IT WILL NOT affect them because the GOVERNMENT is already shelling out millions of dollars to keep pills in their mouth. I hate to be so rude but I am just sick and tired of the bickering. 

If we are  AMERICA and concerned with the health and welfare of all Americans, clearly this Bill is aiming at making sure everybody can have a nice level of insurance, regardless of their situation.  I do not understand why people on medicaid and medicare get on TV yelling about they dont want this bill when clearly, IT WILL NOT affect them because the GOVERNMENT is already shelling out millions of dollars to keep pills in their mouth. I hate to be so rude but I am just sick and tired of the bickering. 

If we preach equality for all yet can find a place to be equal, what is our point? America is the only place where if you get  sick, lose your job, more than likely, you will just be left to suffer because somebody is not making a buck!

If we preach equality for all yet can find a place to be equal, what is our point? America is the only place where if you get  sick, lose your job, more than likely, you will just be left to suffer because somebody is not making a buck!

If the un-insured are the underlying cause of the cost of insurance premiums etc because of past due bills with doctors and hospitals, MAYBE over time this will fix the issue because all will have access to insurance, thus, the INSURANCE GIANTS wont have a choice but to find affordable means for health care.

A bigger part of the problem is how the media is slick to really push how they feel about the issues on us through their commentators and headlines.
If you don't have a solution, please be quiet, and if there is more than just the health care bill that you have a problem with, please make it known. Many are using this as way to force their true hate for Obama.

If the un-insured are the underlying cause of the cost of insurance premiums etc because of past due bills with doctors and hospitals, MAYBE over time this will fix the issue because all will have access to insurance, thus, the INSURANCE GIANTS wont have a choice but to find affordable means for health care.

I seek change. Nobody ever said change was going to be easy, and this was the basis of his platform for President so clearly he knew he would be up against  strong opposition and I am proud he is not BACKING DOWN.