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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

SMH: Young brother dies after Older brother influences him to swallow Cocaine

Most of us have heard the saying, I am my brother's keeper. Many of us believe that is it the responsibility of the older brother to always look out for the younger brother. This is not what happened in North Charleston, South Carolina. Around November 30, 2011, it was reported that police officers pulled over a car on Clements Ave for a minor traffic violation (headlight out) but ended making an arrest because they found a bag with white substance in it (presumably cocaine). They arrested brothers Deangelo (older-right side of video) and Wayne Mitchell(younger-left side of video). In route to the jail, the brothers began to talk and did not know they were being recorded by police car surveillance.

"You gonna eat it, you gonna chew it," DeAngelo Mitchell told his brother. "You ain't got no strike ... I can get you out ... I can't afford another strike."

Mitchell then appears to hand off the cocaine, which was stuffed in his buttocks, to his brother.

"One of us gotta do it," Mitchell said. "You the only one that don't have no strikes ... You my lil' brother ... I'm gonna get life ... You gonna unwrap it? Want me to hand you it?"

According to police, Wayne Mitchell then ate the cocaine.

"You done?" Mitchell asked. "Chew that (expletive)."

A few minutes later, Wayne Mitchell began to show signs that something was wrong. DeAngelo Mitchell started yelling when his brother started having trouble holding his head up. Wayne Mitchell later died at a hospital.

Charleston County Coroner Rae Wooten says that Mitchell died within an hour from eating the cocaine. Wooten said there was an extremely high amount of the drug in his body. She says there is no way to tell how much he actually ate.

"For me, an older brother is supposed to love his little brother, have his back and take good care of him," Zumwalt said. "That's not what was happening in this car."

DeAngelo Mitchell told officers that he thought his brother swallowed an ounce of cocaine.

North Charleston police chief John Zumwalt says that at the time, DeAngelo Mitchell was only facing drug charges. He posted a $25,000 bond on Dec. 1. He will now be charged with involuntary manslaughter.

"He handed those drugs to his little brother, the little brother ingested them and died," Zumwalt said. "He needs to be held accountable."

Police say they couldn't charged him with involuntary manslaughter until the toxicology report came back. Police got the results back this week.

DeAngelo Mitchell's rap sheet includes drug possession convictions in 2006, 2007 and 2008. He was also convicted this past August for distribution of cocaine base.


What is this world coming to? How would you feel if your brother died because you had him swallow an ounce of cocaine? What punishment should he receive? If you ask me, I would have to say life in prison without the possibility of parole. I dont say the death penalty because the younger brother made a choice; otherwise, I would say fry him.