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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Live Your Life: Why is So Hard to Focus on Self?

Why is it so hard for people to live their life without worrying about the life of the next man?
Why is it so hard to focus on the shortcomings that you are facing rather than the mistakes you see in someone else?
What makes us so concerned with how the next guy is getting by that we fail to focus on we will survive ourselves?

I came up with these questions after reading several blogs across the website and people seem to have nothing but time on their hands; time that they use to make negative and irrelevant comments about people, particularly celebrities, who are making a career out of their lives and moving forward and not backwards. Just to pick one for my example, let me choose Beyonce Knowles. So many Black Women post some of the most cruelest and foulest comments about Beyonce Knowles. I applaud Beyonce for her accomplishments thus far. If I could rake in 80,000,000 in a year, I don’t know what I would do! She has shown us that if you dream it, you can achieve it, if you work hard it, there is a possibility that you can get it. Her possibilities right now are endless! I wish I had parents who would have molded me and guided me into a career that I myself was fond of as a child. I think a lot of us miss that. Its not that they say, Hey, you are going to be a superstar, but THEY (parents) took interest in her talent and ability at a young age. We all know, there is a possibility of a great outcome when you invest in something. Normally if you put a lot into something, you get much more out of it; however, if you don’t put anything into it, then the end result will be nothing.

Now let me clear something up, I am not saying that you should take a child and MAKE them something you want to be, but rather, spend time with your child, explore their abilities, see what drives them, and if you believe it as much as they do, invest in it. Mr. Knowles quit a six figure job because he BELIEVED in his daughter and that one day, she would be a superstar, and low and behold, here we have Beyonce Knowles. Wow, talk about stepping out on faith the size of a mustard seed.

Why is it so hard for our own people to applaud others of our own kind who are doing pretty good for themselves rather than degrade, despise, and make negative remarks about. No one is perfect and no one ever will be, there should be at time in your life when you realize, I need to focus on me and how can I get to the mountain top.