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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Pointing to Obama for the Terrorist Plight on Christmas Day-- Really??!

On Christmas day, Nigerian terror suspect Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab attempted to blow up passengers on a flight from New Zealand to Detroit but it failed, according to articles and reports, only sent sparks flying in the air and burning himself. Passengers on the plane were reportedly terrified and quickly worked to ensure the terrorist did nothing further.

The problem with this situation is that the father of the terror suspect went to the U.S. Embassy and alerted them about his son's radicalism and how he felt he is a threat to the United States. This information was sent to the CIA in Virginia but no one took action on the documents. The passenger was able to board the plane headed for the US loaded with bomb materials stuffed in his underwear with the intention of another airplane strike.

Since the event, every time I turn on the television, republicans, news anchors, and others are quickly pointing the finger to Obama and his administration saying they are not doing anything in the war against terror. This absolutely upsets me because instead of working with the President, they are so eager to work against him. When will people realize that we are all human in this world, no matter what political party we choose to represent. This war will not be one by one party alone, but it is going to a collaboration. I am sick and tired of this bickering and finger pointing. Obama is not responsible for everything in this world, he did not create all of this drama; however, if we want to properly address the issues, we must first clear up the issues we have in our own home, the issues of racism, separation of state and church, the wealthy vs the poor, and other issues we have let separate us in such a cold-hearted world.