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Friday, March 11, 2011

Quick Romantic Dinner Idea: Baked Lemon Peppered Chicken Breast & Alfredo pasta

Valentine's Day has passed but it is never too late to impress someone for the first time or to show someone you have been dating/married to how much you care. I have a meal that is surely to be quick and simple yet inspire a smile, kiss, and maybe even more. Now it will be up to you to set the mood but I will give you a few tips for this candelight dinner. Light a few candles in your home (fragrant ones, scents that turn your partner on whether is strawberries and cream or tropical mango--remember tropical fruits enhance sexual desire) and put on your favorite old school or new school r&b (recommendations-- Marsha Ambrosius- Late Nights and Early Mornings, Avant- Director, KEM to name a few)and lets get started.

Dish: Baked Lemon-peppered Chicken breast with Cheese, Alfredo Pasta, French green beans and toasty Garlic Bread

Marinate several skinless chicken breasts (Known as Brining: Instructions on Brining) Here you would add your seasonings which I recommend a combination of lemon pepper, garlic salt, and a dash of Tony's creole seasoning (lightly)
Slice up several slices of green and red bell peppers
Slice up several slices of white onions
Preheat oven to  375 degrees
That is the longest part of your meal, getting the breast marinated and chopping up the vegetables. Now lets get to cooking

In a baking dish, add a small amount of water (not to cover the chicken breasts). Add the chicken breasts, onion, and bell peppers.  If you didnt heavily season your chicken, feel free to sprinkle some on the top because you dont want to serve bland chicken (that wont go over too well). Add a few slices of butter into the water.  Cover your dish and bake for 35-40 minutes (we dont want to overcook the breasts but no worry, the brining will keep them juicy) After 40 minutes, cover the top of the chicken with mild/sharp cheddar cheese and bake for an additional 2-3 minutes unconvered and remove from the oven.

Now, on the stove, bring a pot of water to boil and add your pasta (linguini is my favorite but feel free to use whatever pasta you like) and follow the instructions on the package. Once it is done, add alfredo sauce, mozarella cheese, milk, butter, pepper/salt (seasoned to taste). Bring to a boil then reduce heat to warm.

French Green beans (follow instructions, add butter, season to your own taste)

Now that your chicken breast and pasta are complete, go ahead and pop your Garlic bread into the oven (follow instructions)

On the table, add a candle, fix the plate with the chicken breast slightly on the side of the pasta, drain the juice from the green beans before placing on the plate and include your breadstick.

Add a glass of your favorite WHITE wine (since this isnt red meat), preferably a nice Moscato or Reislin.

There you have it.. A dish that is quick to cook and very pleasing. Trust me.

If you dont want the green beans, you could always throw in a simple spring mix salad. It goes over just as good.

Disclaimer: If it doesnt taste right, its not my fault :)