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Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Is NeNe Leakes an embarrasment to Black Women: Leakes vs Star Jones

I really, really, really wanted to say that I wholeheartedly like NeNe Leakes after seeing her on season one of Real Housewives of Atlanta; however, as the show progressed and we went into season 2, I developed an internal feeling that deemed her as phony and attention-seeking. I realized this was a tv show and maybe this is how they wanted to play up her character but what does this say a whole about Black Women? 

Lately we all know she has been going HAM (Hard as a mothaF*cker) on Star Jones. Do you really think it was necessary for her to go that far even if that is how she felt?  If you forgot, let me update you.

According to (back in February 2011) Leakes let her claws come out during an appearance on the Wendy Williams Show where she spoke candidly about her dislike of Jones, a fellow competitor on this season of Donald Trump's NBC reality competition.

"I'm not feeling Star Jones, I'm sorry," Leakes, 42, admitted to Williams. "I gave her a chance when I first got there, I did. But Star, I'm just going to tell you, Star is a trip –– like she is very special, I really –– she’s special. No seriously –– I wouldn’t spit on Star if she was on fire."

It didnt stop there. Leakes continued to Bash Star Jones it seemed like every chance she got. I personally think she is doing it for attention, fame, and fortune because people are literally eating it up.  I also poise the question, I mean, just besides doing a reality tv show, how much of a factor is your presence lol?

Well , I assume Star Jones has had enough because she finally struck back. In a statement to, Jones accused Leakes of an “aggressive approach” that intimidated the other other African-American women on the show: LaToya Jackson and Dionne Warwick.

“I had hoped we could avoid falling into the typical ‘snake charmer in your face, loud, bombastic black woman’ stereotypical box that was expected,” Jones told the website.

According to the show source, creator Donald Trump “loved the tension and the fighting. … He always does, because he knows it makes for good television.This season you’re going to see more than ever before.”

I think I am with Star on this one, especially knowing that Donald Trump loved the tension and fighting. Basically he is using her ignorance to make money  while she makes a fool not only out of herself, but Black women in general.


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I agree that Nene is wrong for making some of those comments; but have you watched the Celebrity Apprentice? Dionne and Star are both completely overbearing... I can't stand Star. She thinks she's so hot because she lost all that weight. Blah..

(And I do realize that this post was probably before the show started airing. Just saying. lol)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

And, to answer your question, people of all races criticize others. It just depends on the individual. Think about it - Sharon Osbourne would be the type to publicly despise someone, whereas Ivanka Trump wouldn't. It's like that for all people, all races. =)

bluthunder2k1 said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

You make a good point and yeah, she does think she is #HOT because of the weight loss when honestly she is about as cold a road in the middle of winter at night... I watched Celebrity Apprentice once or twice but it seems its not keeping my attention very long.

Thanks for your post :)